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E-CONTRAIL project Intermediate Review Meeting

On 27 the E-CONTRAIL team met in Brussels for the Intermediate Review Meeting of the project. A key meeting to review the achievements since the start of the project in June last year, in terms of research outcomes, administrative tasks, dissemination, exploitation and communication. 

We have also had the chance to discuss the characteristics of the project candidate for SESAR solution. Its aim will be predicting in real time the areas with high potential for contrail formation, allowing the optimisation of flight paths to reduce the environmental footprint of aviation.

Proud of the scientific progress made so far on this ambitious project, we are very excited about the results to come!

Thanks to the to the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking for the constructive feedback and support, and to the project partners for their commitment:


This project is supported by the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking and its members under grant agreement No 101114795.
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